Saturday, October 10, 2020

My Heavenly Experience on the Temple Grounds - an invitation for all

I had the most wonderful experience today. Though temples are still closed to proxy ordinances (thought that may be changing soon), I decided to drive to a temple that is close by, and just sit there on the grounds.

A Beacon of Light

The grounds were beautiful, the temple was elegant, and shone like a beacon of light. And it wasn't just the building that shone, it was the spirit.  I felt the spirit in a way I haven't since temples closed for proxy ordinances.

Love from our Heavenly Home here on Earth

I felt the Love of the Lord, and I felt a peace that cannot be obtained anywhere else on earth. I felt like I was in my heavenly home for the first time since the start of the pandemic.  

I have so missed the temple. but even if we can't go inside, we can still feel of the spirit of the temple as we will go there, and sit on the temple grounds.  It is still a place of prayer, and a place dedicated to the Lord.  And angels attend as we go there, even if we can't go inside.

An invitation to go to the temple

So, I recommend the following as an individual or a family activity with your children, parents, or friends.  Perhaps today, or in the next week or couple of weeks just go to your local temple, and just spend some time on the grounds.  Perhaps you go on a Saturday or a weekday.  You may wish to call your local temple first before you go and ask when their grounds are open.  And you will want to follow safe social distancing guidelines. 

How the House of the Lord can fill us with God's love

My heart is full. I still feel the peace of the temple filling my day with the light of Christ, and the comfort of his love.  And I want to share that, and I know the Lord wants to share that love with his children.

God Lives. This work still goes on. And we can still feel of the peace of the temple as we wait for them to open to proxy ordinances.  With all my heart, I encourage you to do that, if you are able to.

Find your local temple on the Member tools App for Apple or Android, or on the church website.  Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website.   

Picture Courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library

Until Temples Open, or if you can't go to one right now, Discover an easy way to engage in Family History Work if you have never done it with this 10 minute quick start guide with video

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