Friday, November 15, 2019

An Invitation to Pray about the Lord's work of Salvation

Today's post is a simple challenge. I want to ask you to pray about something.

But First...
But I want to give you something to ponder first.  What if you didn't have the gospel in your life? What would your life be like without it? What blessings would you be missing?

Many of your ancestors, or ancestors' posterity through other lines now believe in the gospel, having been taught it on the other side. But since they never got a fair chance to accept it on earth, they cannot progress, and enjoy the same blessings that we take for granted sometimes. They have to wait for us. 

What will your reunion be like?
When this earth life is over, you will be able to see your ancestors. If you have spent your time researching to try to find them and do their ordinances, how will your reunion be with them? And more importantly, with the Savior?

If you have not, will they not ask you why you didn't seek them out? In a now famous story, the Forefathers of this great country appeared in to Wilford Woodruff and asked him the same question.  They told him they had laid the foundation of freedom so the gospel could be restored.  They had done the work the Lord gave them to do.  But their ordinances hadn't been done.

It wasn't long before President Woodruff did their ordinances. 

Study and Pray about it

Don't wait until you get on the other side to see if work needs to be done.  Because by that time, it will be too late for you to do it.  Begin to study more about Family History on the Gospel Library Mobile App, or on the Church Website. And offer a heartfelt prayer asking the Lord if you should start to learn more about Family History or Indexing (Indexing is how I started).  It doesn't matter what age you are, young and old are needed in this work.  Then, as you get your answer, the link to get started is at the bottom of this post.

Feelings of Inadequacy
You may think you can't do it.  I know that feeling.  I felt it myself when I started.  But the Lord will prepare a way for you as you seek him out. He did for me, and he does for everyone who seeks his help.  We have the words of Apostles and Prophets who promise that.

Testimony and Challenge
I know this work is real. I know these people are waiting for their work to be done.  I know of no greater reward than the spirit we have when we engage in this work of salvation. And if you aren't very outgoing, this is the perfect work for you to do.

Study. And Pray. I guarantee you, the God of Heaven, the author of this work and of our Salvation will answer you through the spirit.  And as you engage in this work, you will be able to do the work that will allow your ancestors to return to the presence of the Lord.

They are praying that will happen soon. Are you going to be the answer to their prayers? We have such a short time in this life.  But as we engage in this work, the heavens will open, and angels will attend us. 

Then get started on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  But first pray for the spirit to turn your heart, and that can give you a love of this work, a love of the Lord, and a love for your ancestors.  And it will change your life.  There are other posts on this blog with hints and suggestions on how to get started.

Picture Courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library

1 comment:

  1. I am now reading Robert Millet book.The Life Beyond. It covers just what you have written. Very detailed. Also 1 Corinthians 15
