Sunday, September 27, 2020

General Conference Prep: Your Family Stories about General Conference

With General Conference Approaching, I wanted to suggest something that can help you to draw closer to our Heavenly Father, closer to Christ, and draw closer to your Family as well. You can get your children involved in any of these, and can create age-appropriate activities that will involve them.

Your Family Members experiences with Conference

Take some time today, this week, or maybe between sessions of Conference to ask some older members of your family about their Favorite General Conference experience or talk. It can strengthen your testimony, and help make Conference more meaningful. 

Your Ancestor's Experiences

You can also go onto the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search website, and search through family stories of your ancestors that may have been uploaded by some of your relatives.

You may find out that you are not alone, and that your ancestors may have faced many of the challenges you are facing. 

Watch for Invitations to engage in Family History

Also, this Conference, listen for what our Leaders say about Family History and Temple work, including indexing, and pray to know if it is something the Lord would have you participate in in. 

One final suggestion. Watch or read the talks from this last General Conference to prepare for this coming General Conference. To get started, here is a 2 minute clip from one of President Nelson's talks last Conference that was shared by our Bishop.

Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website. You can also find a 10 minute quick start guide and video on this blog.

Picture is the Mount Timpanogas Temple, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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