Friday, June 26, 2020

One way Heaven can draw near when we feel alone or have trials

Have you ever felt alone? Have you ever felt that there was no place left to turn? Maybe you are facing sore trials during this pandemic, and time of unrest.

One of the things most people find as they login to Family Search and look up their ancestors is that they are not alone. They read stories of their ancestors, and realize they faced many of the same challenges even though they lived long ago.

And they had faith in God as well. Their faith sustained them in their trials, and in the good times, too.  And your faith can sustain you as well. 

Take a look around

I'm challenging you to open the Family Tree Mobile App, or go to the Family Search Website, and see what stories have been posted about your ancestors. 

Let their faith in Christ strengthen yours. Discover you are not alone in this world or in the heavens.

And feel heaven draw near. Then, as President Nelson encouraged, don't just leave it there, but go to the "ancestors with tasks" section, and find relatives who haven't had their work done. 

It can be a relative from a different posterity line, and Family Search will show you how you are related, and will give you hints on how to attach a new record in a few taps or mouse clicks that may have more of your relatives on it.

It has changed everything

I've felt the love of the Lord, and of my ancestors as I have engaged in this work. And I have drawn closer to all of them as I felt their gratitude through the veil in a way that was unseen yet real. 

I testify that our burdens will be lifted, our hearts healed, and our souls redeemed as we become Saviors on Mount Zion.

God Lives. Jesus Christ lives. He is at the head of this work, and through him, all families can be sealed together. See yourself as a part of this work, and you will experience joy untold.  

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide on another post.  

Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

Picture of the Brigham City Temple at Dawn courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Friday, June 19, 2020

How to Draw closer to Heavenly Father this Father's Day

With Father's Day approaching, it is a time to honor those men in our lives who have supported us, strengthened us, and guided us.

And let's not forget our Heavenly Father. This Father's Day, I'm recommending you take some time in prayer to Heavenly Father and thank him for everything he has given you. 

You may wish to thank him for the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, or for the blessings of the gospel, for this plan of salvation. You may pour your heart out in gratitude with silent pleadings you can't seem to find words for. 

And then wait for the answer. He will answer you if you pray in faith in the name of Jesus Christ. 

For it is he who, from before the foundations of the earth, prepared a way for us to become like him, and prepared a way for us to return back to him.

It is him who guides his people thoughout all nations. And this Father's Day, you can help him.

A second thing to do
I'm recommending that you take some time on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search website, and seek after those Fathers who have gone before you. 

Take some time to discover their stories, and to find some connection. You may want to go to the ancestors with tasks section, and try to see if there are any of your relatives who are missing from your Family Tree that you can add with a few taps or mouse clicks using a record Family Search has found for you. 

This weekend can truly be a day to honor our Fathers in many ways, and it can be a way we can connect with our Heavenly Father as well.

God lives. He is our Father. He is the author of this Great Latter-Day work.  He is the Almighty, who has inspired the minds of men and women everywhere to come unto his Son, Jesus Christ, so we all can dwell with them forever.

And most of All, God loves you. Infinitely. Completely. Just as you are.

Here's a video about Fathers, done by the church. 

Picture clip courtesy of the Media Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App, or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

Friday, June 5, 2020

A really fun way to help with the Work of the Lord

Still want to help with the work of the Lord, but don't know how to do Family History? The church has an answer to that! Indexing!

It's actually really fun, and addicting.  And it does help with the work of the Lord.  I remember I helped index the 1940 census ten years ago, and after a few years, Family Search sent me an email saying that of the records I indexed hundreds of them had been added to other people's family trees, and about 180 ordinances had been requested using records I have indexed. 

I got started by indexing records. What you do is go to the Family Search Website, click indexing, and sign in with your Church account.  They will send you a digital image of an old birth, death, or census record, and you just type the information on the record and submit it so that people doing family history can find their ancestor's records online. 

It's another way to help in the work of the Lord, and a perfect way to help prepare for when the temples are open for proxy ordinances (they are still working on that). 

You can index by going to the Family Search Website. Take 15 minutes to help today! Now here's a quick video about how fun it can be!

Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App, or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.