With Father's Day approaching, it is a time to honor those men in our lives who have supported us, strengthened us, and guided us.
And let's not forget our Heavenly Father. This Father's Day, I'm recommending you take some time in prayer to Heavenly Father and thank him for everything he has given you.
You may wish to thank him for the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, or for the blessings of the gospel, for this plan of salvation. You may pour your heart out in gratitude with silent pleadings you can't seem to find words for.
And then wait for the answer. He will answer you if you pray in faith in the name of Jesus Christ.
For it is he who, from before the foundations of the earth, prepared a way for us to become like him, and prepared a way for us to return back to him.
It is him who guides his people thoughout all nations. And this Father's Day, you can help him.
A second thing to do
I'm recommending that you take some time on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search website, and seek after those Fathers who have gone before you.
Take some time to discover their stories, and to find some connection. You may want to go to the ancestors with tasks section, and try to see if there are any of your relatives who are missing from your Family Tree that you can add with a few taps or mouse clicks using a record Family Search has found for you.
This weekend can truly be a day to honor our Fathers in many ways, and it can be a way we can connect with our Heavenly Father as well.
God lives. He is our Father. He is the author of this Great Latter-Day work. He is the Almighty, who has inspired the minds of men and women everywhere to come unto his Son, Jesus Christ, so we all can dwell with them forever.
And most of All, God loves you. Infinitely. Completely. Just as you are.
Here's a video about Fathers, done by the church.
Picture clip courtesy of the Media Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App, or the Family Search Website. You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.
This video is beautiful. Thank you so much for making it.