Friday, March 27, 2020

Just because the temples are closed doesn't mean the heavens are closed

This week, I wanted to share something that happened last Sunday.  The week before was the first week my daughter was doing school online, and much of my mornings were spent helping her, and afternoons were busy as well.  So I was incredibly tired.

And for the weekend I was doing laundry, and busy doing things around the house, cooking meals and other things.

Sunday we did our gospel study, took the sacrament, but there were still meals to make, and dishes to do.  Sunday evening at 6 pm, I was worn out, and laid down.

Then something happened

I rested for a couple of hours, but then, when my wife and daughter were in bed, I got some energy, and decided to do some family history.  The peace of the spirit rested upon me, and all the trials suddenly seemed worth it as I found new people who needed their work done.

Heaven was near. And as I finished, and went to bed, I felt a peace and strength that carried me into another busy week. 

This is not the first time

I have seen that all the difficulty in life can melt away as we will engage in the work of the Lord in some way, but there is a special spirit about Family History work.


Just because the temples are closed doesn't mean that the heavens are closed.  This work still goes on, and as we engage in it, we can find the peace we seek in this troubled world.  

I know God Lives, that Jesus Christ is at the head of this work. We are preparing the world for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And it's not work, it's joy to engage. 

Easy to get started

And the tools the church has are even easier to use.  If you open the app, and go to the "ancestors with tasks" section, it will give you ancestors that Family Search has found records for that may contain family members that haven't been found yet.  And with a few taps (or mouse clicks when using the website), you can add those people and reserve their temple work. And in the next life, when you meet them, you will be able to embrace as fellow servants of Christ in a joy that is beyond compare.  It's worth any sacrifice.

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide with a quick video on another post.  

Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Gospel Activities for when you are home

During this time when home is where most of us are at, I wanted to just share this video which has some ideas about how you can entertain, instruct, and most importantly, get yourself and your familes invested in your ancestors.

It has a message for all of us. And I also am going to share a link below to some really fun activities for all ages!


One thing I got from the Family History leadership session is the church now wants Individuals and Families, especially youth and children more fully engaged in Family History, and later on in Temple Work. But it's not just youth who gain the blessings, it is all of us, at all ages.

I believe this is one of the "counter-strategies," and "proactive plans" President Nelson was speaking of when he said we needed to find new ways to combat the adversary's influence.

Promises even though temples aren't open
And it will fill you with joy. It will draw you closer to Christ, and will fill you with his love. Miracles can happen in your life, and the heavens truly do open. 

The temples aren't open right now, but they will be open again, we know from revelation that they will.  What a perfect opportunity we have right now to make a habit of seeking after our dead. 

At the Last Day

Picture is welcome Home by John Zamudio, for more information go to
Imagine at the last day you have made it to the Celestial kingdom with our Heavenly Parents and the Savior, and you are not alone.  All of your family has made it, and many of your ancestors are there because of the work you and/or your children have done on their behalf.  What greater joy could there be?

There is a meaning and a purpose to this work, and blessings untold as all of us engage in it.

Now here's the video, and you can find the Discovery Games and Activities on a part of the Family Search Website.  You just need to login.  One quote: "I'm invested. It's more than just curiosity. I wanna get these people to the temple."

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide with a quick video on another post. 

Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog

Picture is By John Zamudio. He does Firesides, Art Exhibits, and you can find out more at his website

Friday, March 13, 2020

How to find peace in these troubled times (with video)

Even though temples and churches are closed, there is still much we can do to help the Lord.  We are in the Last Days. And it seems like it's hard to find peace. But, as President Nelson has said, we don't wring our hands in despair. We have hope in Christ.

The Lord beckons to you to come unto him, and there are many ways to do that. Open the scriptures, fortify yourself spiritually, seek revelation, and perhaps in our spare time, maybe when binge watching favorite shows becomes tiresome, maybe instead we spend some time engaged in the work of the Lord, for example, with Family History Work.  

Words of a Prophet
President Nelson has said that "in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost." (April 2018 General Conference)

There are many ways to do this. But I have found a special spirit comes when we engage in Family History Work.

It is the Lord's work, and we can still engage in it, even as the outside world becomes more unsettled.

I testify that the heavens and the earth come together as we engage in this sacred, holy work.

More Promises
Elder Renlund has promised if we do that "God will strengthen, help, and uphold us; and He will sanctify to us our deepest distress," and has also promised that we would have an "Increased influence of the Holy Ghost to feel strength and direction for our own lives." And one more promise, "Increased faith, so that conversion to the Savior becomes deep and abiding" (Sealing and Healing, April 2018 General Conference).

What better time than now, while the world is in commotion, to do something that can bring peace to your life and the lives of your family, and salvation to your ancestors? Even if you have never done it, it's become easier than ever to do. Find more tips on this blog.

I have seen blessings come into my life as I have engaged in this work. I testify that we will see the windows of heaven open, and blessings untold pour out upon us. And even if the temples are not open, we can still participate in the work of salvation and help prepare the world for the Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now here is a very short but spirit filled video about the Father's love for us and our part in this great work.
Start Today, and stay safe
Discover your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

One last note. As Church has been cancelled worldwide, please follow your local leaders for guidance during this time. Draw closer to the Lord, and focus on him and his gospel, and we will be blessed.  I love you, the Lord Loves you, and our Church Leaders love you. And there is still much we can do in the work of the Lord.  And it will give us peace.  

Friday, March 6, 2020

If the veil were lifted off the face of the Latter-Day Saints...

Archibald Bennett made the following statement after relating this story and prophecy.  "Sister Susa Young Gates...once asked her Father [Brigham Young] how it would ever be possible to accomplish the great amount of temple work that must be done, if all are given a full opportunity for exaltation.  

He told her there would be many inventors of labor-saving devices, so that our daily duties could be performed in a short time, leaving us more and more time for temple work.  The inventions have come, and are still coming, but many simply divert the time gained to other channels, and not for the purpose intended by the Lord." (Improvement Era, October 1952, quoted in House of Glory by S Michael Wilcox)

Are we a part of what they saw?
Prophets saw our time, and saw the inventions that would make our lives easier.  And even though the temples are closed, we can still engage in Family History work or indexing.  So the question is, do we do what is best with our time? Our lives will fill with joy if we will engage, even if for just a few minutes a week, in the work of our dead. And it's easier than ever to do. Tips are on this blog, under the section of Family Tree Mobile app tips.  However there is more:

If the Veil were lifted...
Michael Wilcox continues with a quote from Wilford Woodruff, and then gives some commentary:

"If the veil were lifted off the face of the Latter-day Saints," Wilford Woodruff taught, and stated if we could see into the spirit world and see the work going on there, "this whole people with very few, if any exceptions, would lose all interest in the riches of the world, and instead thereof their whole desires and labors would be directed to redeem their dead" (Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, p. 152). 

Does that change how you view the world? A prophet said that if we could see beyond the veil, we wouldn't focus on riches, but would devote our whole efforts to the salvation of those passed on. Ponder upon that for awhile.  We need to have balance in our lives, but are we devoting more of our time to the work of our dead through Family History work and indexing, and if not, how can we do that? During this pandemic, we will find peace if we use our time more wisely.  
Michael Wilcox then stated "We need to learn to use all the wonderful advances the Lord has inspired in these last days for their truer purposes, not just in our occupations or the earning of a living.  Then will we make an acceptable offering in the temples of the Lord."

Some of the greatest blessings I have ever had came from engaging in the work of redeeming our dead through Family History and Temple Work.  With all my heart, I encourage you to either begin or continue in Family History and Temple work.  It is the Lord's work, and from the Prophet Joseph on down, prophets have taught of the essential nature of doing the work for our kindred dead.  
Begin your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.