Friday, July 31, 2020

Promises as you move this work forward (with new video from President and Sr Nelson)


"The work of gathering Heavenly Father's family is not just for young people, and it is not just for grandparents. It is for everyone. We are all gatherers." (Henry B Eyring, gathering the Family of God)

Each of us has something we can do to engage in the work of saving our dead. President Nelson has said that while it helps those on the other side, it can bless the living as well. 

I wanted to share this new short video from President and Sister Nelson. The Heavens will pour down as you engage in this saving work. 

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide on another post.  

A great Followup to it is the Resolving Duplicates post. 
Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website.  You may also find inspirational materials on this blog

Picture is the Manti Temple at Night, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library

Friday, July 24, 2020

Your Ancestors are You: A way to discover who you are

On this pioneer weekend, I wanted to share some amazing features with you that might draw you closer to your ancestors, and to the Lord. It made the world of difference to me, especially on this Weekend. And it's for everyone.  You are not alone in this world.

The Facebook for Ancestors
The Family Tree Mobile App is wonderful, and you can find some wonderful memories of your ancestors that others have uploaded.  However, did you know that the The Family Search website has a stream, similar to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest where you can find stories and pictures about your ancestors?

Sharable on Social Media and with Family
And guess what? There are links so you can share these memories to social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and What's App. 

That's right, pictures, stories, Headstones, Family Bibles, and many other things are available there on the main page of Family Search. 

And better, you can share these memories of your ancestors with those you love on social media or email. And you can draw closer to them.

They sacrificed for us and are a part of us
Many of our ancestors sacrificed so that we could have a better life. They had faith in God, and they often understand our trials.  As we will draw closer to them, the heavens will draw near, and we will also draw closer to our Heavenly Father. 

I encourage you this Pioneer Day Weekend, wherever you are from in the world, to take some time on the Family Search website main page, and scroll through the memories of your ancestors.

And if you have stories to add, you may want to do that by uploading it to the Memories section of the person's page. 

More to come

I'm going to do some more posts in the future about the benefits of moving from the Family Tree Mobile App to the website, but for now, I encourage you to look at some of your ancestor's stories.  It will make your Pioneer Day Weekend more memorable as the heavens draw near.

We are engaged in the work of the Lord. He lives, and stands at the head of this work. Enjoy this weekend.  

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide on another post.  

A great Followup to it is the Resolving Duplicates post.

Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website. 

Friday, July 3, 2020

How you have already helped the heavens to open in your lives

I want you to remember all the times you went to the temple before they closed down. There are many people in the spirit world whose temple work was done because you went to the temple for them.

Many of those people who you did their temple work for, who passed away long ago, are in the spirit world doing the work of the Lord. They do that in many different ways, and one of them includes watching over people they are assigned to here on earth. 

As I have seen the civil unrest that has come close to home for me, it has occurred to me that these angels of God are not idle.  It is my opinion that one thing these spirits do, with the power of God, is to help protect the Covenant saints who helped ensure their salvation. And the power they and we are endowed with is stronger than the hate we see in the world.
It is my opinion that there are many, many millions on the other side of the veil who watch over us, who seek to protect us during this unrest.  It is my opinion that some of the spirits helping the Lord bring peace to people's hearts are these spirits we have done temple work for.

So reach out in prayer.  I did a post about the First Presidency's invitation to pray on my other blog.  And there is much we can do to continue to help.  We can also spend more time in the scriptures or watching gospel videos.  We can also do the work of the Lord through Family History, indexing, Spreading the Gospel, or now, strengthening our families.

For those who are with us are more than are against us. And the power of God makes that possible. 

Testimony and Invitation

I know God lives, that Jesus is the Christ. I know the power of God on this earth is the only thing that can bring peace. You have helped with that, and I encourage you to continue to do so, so you may feel the Lord's peace during these troubled times. 

More importantly, as we seek it out, we will receive the revelation we desperately need, as our prophet has counseled.  And we will find the peace of Christ in these tumultuous times.

If you have never done Family History on Family Search, I've done a 10 Minute Quick Start Guide on another post.

Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website. You may also find inspirational material on this blog.  

Pictures are the Sacramento Temple, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library, and the second is Angels among us by Simon Dewey