Saturday, December 5, 2020

Nativity at the Temple: A Sacred Activity this Christmas

As I have gone to the grounds of a couple of temples locally, I have noticed that even though they are closed to proxy ordinances this Christmas Season (many carefully opening up next year, according to the church), they do have Life-size Nativities on the grounds of the temples I saw.

One sacred activity this year might be to go to your local temple, sit on the grounds and feel of the spirit of that place. And chances are there is a nativity there that could make the visit more meaningful.

A Sacred Experience

A nativity is wonderful, and a nativity setup on hallowed ground can turn a great Christmas activity into a sacred experience as you go, especially as you take some time to ponder and silently pray when you are there.  

I recommend you take some time before Christmas, perhaps on a weekend, and go to the temple grounds if local regulations permit. Even though it's outside, please maintain social distancing and make sure and observe any local mask mandates.

And then enjoy the spirit of the temple that we all have missed these last 9 months. And take some time to reflect upon the significance of the Birth of the Savior.

If you have children, it's a perfect time to teach them more about the Savior, as well as teach them more about the temple. You might let them know the spirit they feel on the temple grounds comes from the Savior whose birth we celebrate. You might let them know that spirit is one of the reasons you love the temple.  

This Christmas is a time for Hope: I look forward with hope for the future. This pandemic will not last forever, and in a future day, we will be able to enter the temples again. But until then, the grounds are dedicated to the Lord, too. And we can have our cups filled, our testimonies strengthened, and can experience Christmas in a different way as we will go up to the Mountain of the Lord.  

God lives. He loves each of us. He will ever be our hope, our light, our salvation, our Redeemer, our King, and our best friend. And he is the reason for the season.

Find out how you can #LightTheWorld this Christmas Season at the Church Website. Serve others and spread the light of Christ this Season.

Picture Still from Celebrating the Light of the World: A Christmas on Temple Square Performance, program available at the Church Media Library, and on Youtube