Thursday, February 27, 2020

Events this week: "Your History Makes a's worth the journey"

Family Discovery Day
There's are exciting events this week going on right now! The best one is Family Discovery Day, and starts this Saturday at 9:30 AM MST.  Elder Stevenson and his wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, will talk about how to find out how important your ancestors are, and how you can help them. It will be streamed live at the church website . If you can't make it live, archives will be at the Church's website for Family History.  Below I'll share a very short video from a previous Family Discovery Day from President Nelson and his Wife.

A Most Meaningful Event
"At Rootstech, we help people discover who they are." Rootstech has been exciting so far, it goes through Saturday, and you can stream several sessions free at the Rootstech website.  As I'm writing this, I'm watching Leigh Anne Tuohy speak, the real person behind the movie "The Blind Side," who is a living testament of how you can make a difference in the lives of others. 

A couple of quotes: "To whom much is given, much is required. Your history makes a's worth the journey. Stories Matter. Families Matter. The one name you find could make a difference."  

At the Rootstech site, they also have a video archive where you can view it and other sessions later. Rootstech will continue through Saturday. 

Now here's the promised video from a previous Rootstech Family Discovery Day with President Nelson and his wife. I've shared it before, but it's really good.
Watch Rootstech at their website, and view Family Discovery Day at the Church Website.  Begin your story in Family History on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

Picture of Leigh Anne Tuohy is courtesy of her website.

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