Friday, September 27, 2019

#GeneralConference and engaging in the work of Salvation

Next week is General Conference, and there won't be a post to this blog then, so to help prepare, I wanted to share just a few quotes from our Leaders regarding Temple and Family History work. 

We begin with one by Elder Cook

"Love is also at the center of our temple and family history effort to gather Israel on the other side of the veil. When we learn of the trials and hardships our ancestors faced, our love and appreciation for them is magnified." (Great Love for our Father's Children, April 2019 General Conference)
Elder Renlund had some incredible quotes from another conference:
"As Church members, we do have a divinely appointed responsibility to seek out our ancestors and compile family histories. This is far more than an encouraged hobby, because the ordinances of salvation are necessary for all of God’s children."
Elder Renlund also shared a quote from President Nelson that I have shared before, but it's really good.  He stated:
"President Russell M. Nelson, however, cautioned: “We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had. But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves.” He continued, “I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifice?—preferably a sacrifice of time?—you can make [to] do more temple and family history work.” 
Elder Renlund then added his own remarks to President Nelson's words by giving the following promises; "As you accept President Nelson’s invitation, you will discover, gather, and connect your family. Additionally, blessings will flow to you and your family like the river spoken of by Ezekiel. You will find healing for that which needs healing." (Sealing and Healing, April 2018 General Conference)
Other promises by Elder Renlund are on this blogpost

President Eyring's remarks in another General Conference were similar to President Nelson and Elder Renlund's words:

"Our Heavenly Father is anxious to gather and bless all of His family...For example, as you follow the promptings to learn about your family history, you may discover that a distant relative shares some of your facial features or your interest in books or your talent for singing. This could be very interesting and even insightful. But if your work stops there, you will sense that something is missing. This is because to gather and unite God’s family requires more than just warm feelings. It requires sacred covenants made in connection with priesthood ordinances.

Many of your ancestors did not receive those ordinances. But in the providence of God, you did. And God knew that you would feel drawn to your ancestors in love and that you would have the technology necessary to identify them. He also knew that you would live in a time when access to holy temples, where the ordinances can be performed, would be greater than ever in history. And He knew that He could trust you to accomplish this work in behalf of your ancestors." (Gathering the Family of God, April 2017 General Conference)
The final quote is from Elder Cook in the April 2018 General Conference, where he quoted President Joseph Fielding Smith as follows:
“None is exempt from this great obligation. It is required of the apostle as well as the humblest elder [or sister]. Place, or distinction, or long service in the Church … will not entitle one to disregard the salvation of one’s dead.” (Doctrines of Salvation, quoted in Prepare to meet God, Elder Cook in April 2018 General Conference)
This is not a comprehensive list, but I hope you can see that each of you are needed in this great vicarious work of the Lord, either through family history or Temple work. 

I encourage you to prepare for #GeneralConference this next week by taking some time on the Family Tree Mobile App, or the Family Search Website to look up your ancestors, discover their stories, and then use the ancestors with tasks section of the app to see if you have departed relatives that Family Search has found new records for.  You may have family members that haven't been found yet or attached to your family tree. You can view some tips on this blog that can help you. 

It will help you prepare for Conference in a whole new way, and as you watch, you will be strengthened from both sides of the veil. 

I know this work is real, and is true.  Some of the greatest joys I have experienced have come from Family History and Temple Work.  I testify that it can change your life for the better, and as Elder Renlund has said, it can heal you.

You can watch #GeneralConference next weekend on BYUTV through your cable provider, or the church has a list of streaming platforms and apps it will be broadcast on.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reflections about this work of Salvation - if the veil were rent today

It's now been several months that this blog has been active, and as I have looked back, I hope that you have been able to feel a bit of the spirit of Elijah as you have read these stories, and have been able to find some tips to help you get started.  Or at least, that it has inspired you to attend the temple more often using the Ordinances Ready part of the app. I wanted to share something personal with you in this post.

I'm not an expert, and you don't have to be either
I'll share something with you that may surprise you. I'm not an expert in genealogy or Family History. I rely on tips from Family Search-for most on the app, it is the "Ancestors with Tasks" section.  And with all the tips I've given to people about the mobile app, you would think I know my way around a smartphone.  But I don't own one. I have to use my wife's to figure out how to use the app, and then share it. 

Typically I use the website. And with just a few instructions, I have been able to find many of my ancestors, from either my own direct line or from other posterity lines. 

Here's the point.  If I can learn to do Family History, so can you.  As Elder Scott and other Apostles and prophets have said, you don't have to be an expert anymore.  And you can do it at home.

Become involved in this great work.  The first time I did temple work for my ancestors, I felt for the first time that my life mattered to someone besides just me. The spirit impressed upon me the reality of this work.  I could feel the joy of those whose ordinances were being done.  I wish all could experience that joy. Doing work for your own family amps the temple experience.

Blessings for engaging in this work

As I have engaged in this work, I have experienced blessings from beyond the veil that have strengthened my connection to the Lord, and have helped me to develop a greater love both for my ancestors, and for the Savior whose work this is.  And there are blessings I will not go into that await all who serve the Lord in bringing his children to him. Some more about those promises are in other posts on this blog.

If the veil were rent today, we would see the Savior of all inviting us to engage in his great work.  We would see the whole of humanity that haven't had their ordinance work done, and who are waiting for it to be completed before they can return to their heavenly home.  I invite all to take the Savior's invitation, given through our prophet, to make a sacrifice of time to engage in this work of salvation.  It doesn't have to be much, but it can change your life.

When the Heavens Open-concluding thought
I wanted to take a moment and offer a thought that fills me with joy. President Nelson has said, referring to Family History, that we are preparing the world for the Second Coming of the Savior.  Is it possible that part of the reason there is more Family History and Temple work to complete is that, in addition to making sure the earth isn't smitten with a curse, our ancestors and relatives, once their ordinances are done, will be among those hosts of heaven who will appear with the Savior as he descends with his "chariot of fire," to help inaugurate his Millenial reign on the earth? Perhaps part of the reason we will sing and shout with the armies of heaven at that millenial day is, in addition to praises to our King, that those angels who descend will be people who we have found as we did Family History, and/or have done their ordinance work in the temple.

Take just ten minutes a week, maybe on Sunday after the Come Follow me Study. Make it a habit to try.  It will be worth it.  Prophets have promised that. 

You can learn more and be entertained by other posts on this blog, and you can also Discover your story on the Family Tree Mobile App, or the Family Search website.  To close, here is a song that best reflects the spirit inside the temple. It's always made me want to go.

 Picture of the Oakland Temple courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Promises of Apostles and Prophets as we become Saviors on Mount Zion

I've written quite a few posts about promises our leaders have made about how the windows of heaven can open as we engage in Family History and Temple Work.  But this time, instead of a long post, the meat of what I would want to say will be shared in the video below.  It contains promises from the Lord.

Some of the promises given here include that as you engage in Family History and Temple work, your love and gratitude for your ancestors and Savior will increase.  The power of the Savior's love and healing will enter your life, and you will receive a more certain witness that life continues beyond the veil.  In the video, there are blessings invoked by apostles upon all who engage in this work.  Every 15 seconds in the video, more promises are given. 

I testify that this is the work of the Lord. I know that as we will sacrifice our time to engage in it, we will realize the promises given in this video. 

And one last thing.  The Lord is pleading with you to help in this work. He sees all of creation, and longs for his children to return to him, just as a mother longs for her children to come home. 

Be that covenant child the Lord can count on to engage in his work of Salvation. I promise that as you help your ancestors, you will draw closer to Christ, and will feel of his love.   Enjoy the video. 

Have the heavens come alive for you as you begin on the Family Tree Mobile App, or on the Family Search Website. You can also view other posts on this blog that have tips on how to get started.

Picture is the Barranquilla, Columbia Temple, courtesy of the Media Library of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Reflections of eternity-Jonathan's story of following a prophet

Jonathan flopped his large, stocky frame down on the old tan sofa after church, and let out a sigh.  Sundays could be so tedious. Even television got boring after a few hours.

He picked up his phone, and went to the Gospel Library Mobile app, and was thumbing through older talks by President Nelson and saw one called "the Sabbath is a delight," and decided to take a look at that.  As he read, he saw something that caught his interest.  President Nelson said,

"I learned from the scriptures that my conduct and my attitude on the Sabbath constituted a sign between me and my Heavenly Father. With that understanding, I no longer needed lists of dos and don’ts. When I had to make a decision whether or not an activity was appropriate for the Sabbath, I simply asked myself, “What sign do I want to give to God?” That question made my choices about the Sabbath day crystal clear."

Jonathan thought about it, and felt the spirit gently encourage him to keep reading.  He was glad he did, because there was something he had missed that would change his life:

"In addition to time with family, you can experience true delight on the Sabbath from family history work. Searching for and finding family members who have preceded you on earth—those who did not have an opportunity to accept the gospel while here—can bring immense joy.

I have seen this firsthand. Several years ago, my dear wife Wendy determined to learn how to do family history research. Her progress at first was slow, but little by little she learned how easy it is to do this sacred work. And I have never seen her happier. You too need not travel to other countries or even to a family history center. At home, with the aid of a computer or mobile device, you can identify souls who are yearning for their ordinances. Make the Sabbath a delight by finding your ancestors and liberating them from spirit prison!"

A calm peace settled over Jonathan. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he knew he needed to get started on Family History. 

He shook his blonde head in disbelief.  He knew absolutely nothing about Family History.  How could he get started?  He had downloaded the Family Tree Mobile App a long time ago as a part of a church class, but hadn't opened it yet. 

After opening it, he tapped the 3 lines, and then saw something that said "help," and then called the number.  He shifted in his chair, and as his mom walked past, sandy brown hair bobbing, he could see in her face a puzzled look that showed she had questions about what he was doing. 

But she started smiling from the brown armchair she had folded her knees cross legged into when she heard him start speaking to a Brother Moore with Family Search. She had prayed he might find something to get him more involved in the gospel, and as moisture came to her eyes, she felt some hope for her son. 

Ten minutes later, Jonathan got off the phone, and started on the App. His mom by this time had slowly stepped into the next room, her lined hand patting his broad shoulder as she did. 

An hour later, after reviewing several of the "ancestors with tasks" section, he finally found a record that added new family to his family tree! They were from different posterity lines, but he could reserve the names! His blue-hazel eyes brightened.

As he reserved the names, unseen but in the same room, 3 spirits and their guide watched him do that.  Hank, Allen, and their sister Elaine looked at each other excitedly, knowing their work would be done.  They had waited years for this! The church was in its infancy when they were alive, and they had never heard it taught, only rumors.  Here in the spirit world, they had felt the spirit of the Lord testify of the truth of the gospel, and knew. But they had to wait many years before they could have someone baptized for them.

Jonathan felt a peace, and a connection to the Savior that was undeniable.  He had never spent a more meaningful Sabbath in his life.  Little did he know how much of this joyful work he would do over his lifetime. 

As President Nelson had said, The Sabbath Truly is a Delight, and Jon felt like the sign he gave the Lord today was accepted of him. 

Begin your story on the Family Tree Mobile App or the Family Search Website.  You may also view tips on getting started, woven into inspirational stories on this blog.

Now here is a very short video of some of the prophet's statements above, and real stories of people who are finding joy in this work of Salvation.   

Picture is the Phoenix, Arizona Temple, courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Media Library